Procedure trolley NEREZ2733

Product code NEREZ2733


Additional options

First drawer colour
Colour of the second drawer
10+ weeks
Procedure trolley NEREZ2733
Procedure trolley NEREZ2733
Procedure trolley NEREZ2733
Procedure trolley NEREZ2733
Procedure trolley NEREZ2733

Product description

A multi-functional procedural trolley for the storage and transportation of medical equipment and devices.

The trolley is made of stainless steel, with an anti-vibration frame. The top of the trolley is made of steel with a frame 1.2 cm high. The trolley drawer unit and drawer fronts are also made of steel. In the standard configuration, the drawer is locked with a cylinder lock. Shelves made of steel sheet. The trolley has four plastic wheels, two wheels with brakes.

  • Height: 112 cm
  • Depth: 58 cm
  • Width: 76 cm
  • Wheel diameter: 12.5 cm
  • Number of drawers: 2
  • Drawer dimensions (L x W x H): 52x32x6cm, 52x32x20cm
  • Permissible load (shelves): 50 kg
  • Permissible load (drawer): 20 kg
  • Maximum permissible load of the stroller: 140kg

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